AN ocean view with a swan and other birds

Swedish Biodiversity Symposium, 21 - 23 October 2025

Welcome to Sweden's first Swedish Biodiversity Symposium - an interdisciplinary conference where experts and stakeholders in biodiversity come together to promote positive developments in the field.

The Swedish Biodiversity Symposium is a science-policy interface-orientated forum for communication, dissemination, and discussion of science-based knowledge on biodiversity. It provides an opportunity to gain new perspectives, learn from each other, and engage in networking and collaboration. The symposium's main theme is Transformative change – from knowledge to action. This broad theme allows for deeper discussion from many perspectives: conservation, evolution, policy-making, species loss, ecosystem services/nature’s contribution to people, nature-based solutions, restoration measures, psychology, climate, land use, health, economic incentives, food security, pollution and more. 

The Swedish Biodiversity Symposium welcomes national and international participants who work with biodiversity in any professional capacity (e.g. research, policymaking, nature management, education, outreach), including those active in academia, research institutions, government agencies, businesses and NGOs.

Call for Sessions closed

The interest in organising sessions was high with more than 60 contributions. The programme committee is now working to review all the abstracts received and to provide feedback to those who submitted proposals.

The call for abstracts will open in mid-March.

Information about the programme and the possibility to register for the conference later this spring.





Lunds universitet
SLU Artdatabanken
Stockholms universitet